Features to do

The following features are things I really like CRS to have in the near future:

  • Configuration client libraries in different languages
  • Web front-end for configuration authoring
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Client validation tool
  • Documentation generation tool
  • Property resolving

Configuration client libraries in different languages

I would like CRS to using by a wide audience, this will need more support for foreign languages like C#.

Web front-end for configuration authoring

Instead of authoring configuration files by hand, it would be very usefull if there was a web front-end to simplefy this.

Authentication and authorization

Authentication and authoration would be usefull for protected important configuration files.

Client validation tool

Creating a seperate tool that validates the configuration from the client host would be very usefull. This will ease the troubleshooting when an application fails.

Documentation generation tool

The current model for the configuration supports documentation on all levels (configuration, section and setting) in multiple languages. It would be very usefull if the documentation tool could select all documentation path with a specified language and generate a PDF file containing a good reference for the configuration administration.

Property resolving

I would like to introduce property resolving in the configuration. This makes it possible to refer to a different setting and/or add information to it within that setting.